Solar and hybrid sludge dryers are currently one of the most sought-after and in-demand solutions for changing the physical properties of sludge prior to final disposal. The principle of constructing solar dryers is based on the use of horticultural greenhouses, which have been in use for many years and are adapted in size to the technical equipment of the hall. The halls are galvanised steel structures covered with a solar-permeable material: polycarbonate, polyethylene film or glass. They usually have pitched roofs with hinged roof windows. Such dryers function by taking advantage of the greenhouse effect created inside the hall and, in the case of a hybrid, also of additional heat from non-conventional sources.
Free energy is all around us, whether it is the sun above us, the wind ruffling our hair, ground water, murmuring streams and rushing rivers or sewage flowing through the sewer pipe system. Guided by sustainability, efficiency and ecological operating principles, our dryers use only renewable and waste energy sources, taking into account location and economic considerations. Thanks to the systems used to support drying, such as heat pumps, the process can be carried out independently of weather conditions, throughout the calendar year.
With our extensive experience in the preparation of pro-ecological investments, we are able to prepare complete documentation, including all the arrangements to enable the implementation of solar or hybrid municipal sludge dryers, together with applications and assistance in obtaining subsidies for their implementation.
Pictures of selected investments:
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